News overview

Welcoming five new employees at VanderSat

Satellite data is the new gold? Sure, but only if it’s paired with the right scientists to get the right insights and VanderSat is doing just that. VanderSat is making waves in the geospatial arena and expanding rapidly due to its unique ability to see water in, on and around the ground from space. You can also call it #spacetech #aquatech #agtech or #fintech, because those are the areas where our solutions are gaining traction fast. VanderSat is working with some of the worlds biggest agricultural and reinsurance players who are using VanderSat’s remote sensing solutions to tackle their global challenges. Also, VanderSat won the highly prestigious SME phase 2 grant. Being chosen as one of the most innovative European SME’s in the Space sector. by the European Commission feels good and now we can grow even faster.
As much fun as it is, it was also time to expand our workforce with the best people we could find. Here they are:

Narcisa Nechita – VanderSat
Dr. Narcisa Nechita – Remote Sensing Scientist

Originally from Romania, Narcisa Nechita moved to The Netherlands 7 years ago to start a PhD on simulating the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere at Utrecht University. She became interested in the applications of satellite data, and further continued with a postdoc project on this topic. Narcisa now comes to VanderSat looking for a place where she can be in direct contact with the users of scientific data and where she would be part of a dynamic team. Working here as remote sensing scientist, Narcisa will use her experience in data analysis and modelling environmental processes towards improving satellite-based products and developing new applications.

Christoph Paulik – VanderSat
MSc. Christoph Paulik – Remote Sensing Scientist

Christoph Paulik has worked in the field of Radar Remote Sensing since
2010. In this time he has done research in soil moisture and freeze/thaw state retrieval while also building operational processing chains for the Copernicus Global Land and Climate Change services. Always looking for efficient and robust solutions he will now work on the improvement of VanderSat’s client facing API and the operationalization of new products.

Mendy van der Vliet – VanderSat
MSc. Mendy van der Vliet – Remote Sensing Scientist

Graduated in Climate Physics (MSc) at Utrecht University and in Earth Sciences (BSc) at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Mendy van der Vliet is specialized in analyzing and simulating physical processes. At the University of Alberta she did her Minor in in statistical machine learning, numerical modelling and climate communication. Her special expertise is on analyzing hourly precipitation extremes, which was the topic of her master thesis at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI). Working at VanderSat greatly appeals to her because of their ambition to provide innovative technical solutions to positively impact this Earth. Always thinking about new ways to link different disciplines and data, Mendy is going to analyze and innovate satellite-based products.

Allon van der Sluis – VanderSat
MSc. Allon van der Sluis – Senior Advisor

After graduating from the University of Amsterdam, Allon van der Sluis pursued a career in the international Financial and High-tech Industry.
After managing private investment portfolios at Van Lanschot Bankiers as a Senior Banker for over 5 years, Allon accepted the challenge of managing a Project in Papua New Guinea as a Senior Financial Advisor for the Bank of South Pacific (BSP) in Port Moresby.

After an analytical role at Alcatel and his banking experience, Allon continued his career with a focus on international Sales and Business Development. He worked several years in the financial data industry.
Allon will explore and develop the full array of VanderSat’s product-offering in the Financial and Fintech industry.

Arjen Bakker
Arjen Bakker – Customer Service Executive

Worked for 15 years in the financial sector as a requirement engineer, product manager, project manager and business developer. As a hands-on project lead Arjen managed to transform traditional organizations into organizations with a very steady sustainable, future-proof proposition based on company strategy combined with customer needs.

Starting his career as an information analyst/project manager at Dutch brokers Alex and BinckBank. Companies that unleashed a revolution in the Dutch retail exchange trading. In 2011 Arjen joined a small team of project managers/business developers responsible for the launch of a new retail bank in the Netherlands: Knab introduced a new business model forcing other banks to amend their propositions and tariffs. After the launch Arjen joined Dutch private bank Theodoor Gilissen to help this traditional bank into their future-proof organization by implementing some major projects.

Within his role as Customer Service Executive at VanderSat Arjen is working as a hands-on project lead at the junction between the IT team and the customer, translating customer needs into IT solutions, guiding the customer through the whole process from requirement engineering into a successful implementation.

[source: VanderSat]

EXCLUSIVE: VanderSat and Swiss Re Partner to Bring Crop Insurance to Untapped Markets

VanderSat came out of stealth with a satellite data analysis service for the agriculture sector in January after receiving €1.34 million ($1.6m) in grant funding from the European Commission late last year.

Orthos Ventures signs agreement with Secretary of State

Orthos Ventures sleept als eerste business angel seed regeling in de wacht. Het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (EZK) stelt dit jaar 10 miljoen euro beschikbaar voor private fondsen die geld willen investeren in startups en het innovatieve MKB. Deze zogenoemde business angels kunnen per fonds maximaal 1 miljoen euro lenen van de overheid.