Take a look at our news from Orthos Ventures and its partners.
Researchers looking for extra-terrestrial civilizations are traditionally focusing on “biosignatures” – substances that indicate that life could exist there. Now a team of scientists has started to look for ‘technosignatures’, a novel way of searching for intelligent life.
VanderSat came out of stealth with a satellite data analysis service for the agriculture sector in January after receiving €1.34 million ($1.6m) in grant funding from the European Commission late last year.
Orthos Ventures sleept als eerste business angel seed regeling in de wacht. Het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (EZK) stelt dit jaar 10 miljoen euro beschikbaar voor private fondsen die geld willen investeren in startups en het innovatieve MKB. Deze zogenoemde business angels kunnen per fonds maximaal 1 miljoen euro lenen van de overheid.
VanderSat, a fast growing remote sensing startup specialized in soil moisture, is announcing major partnerships. And they are just getting started.
Orthos is proud to be a major shareholders and one of the early stage co founders.
Television item about Vectioneer, an advanced robotics company founded by Philippe Piatkiwitz in which Orthos Ventures is proud to be a major shareholder.
The documentary is about the unique, sophisticated robotics software, we call The Motorcortex.
Being able to avoid obstacles while traveling at high speeds is computationally complex, especially for small drones that are limited in how much they can carry onboard for real-time processing. With that in mind, a team from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) has developed NanoMap, a system that allows drones to consistently fly 20 miles per hour through dense environments such as forests and warehouses. Uncertainty was the key part of their solution.
Researchers looking for extra-terrestrial civilizations are traditionally focusing on “biosignatures” – substances that indicate that life could exist there. Now a team of scientists has started to look for ‘technosignatures’, a novel way of searching for intelligent life.
ATG Europe, leading Space engineering company in the Netherlands, following a competitive bid, has been selected by Aerospace Propulsion Products BV as mechanical design partner for the critical Parachute Deployment Device in the ESA Exomars 2020 programme.
Satellite data is the new gold? Sure, but only if it’s paired with the right scientists to get the right insights and VanderSat is doing just that. VanderSat is making waves in the geospatial arena and expanding rapidly due to its unique ability to see water in, on and around the ground from space.
VanderSat is very proud to have a new doctor on board. On October 18 our colleague Robin van der Schalie successfully defended his PhD thesis at the VU University Amsterdam.
Join us at the Paris Space Week, 8-9 March 2017. Visit our booth and learn all about the latest trends in Space Applications, 3D print, Composite Structures & New Materials.