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About us

Orthos Ventures is an investment fund for early stage high tech and data science ventures. The fund was founded and is managed by Bas Oberndorff and Jeroen Thijs. We started this fund because of our vision that these technologies will become an (even) stronger and intricate part of our lives in the near and midterm future. And because we are fascinated by technological progress and inspired by forwardthinking academics and entrepreneurs.

How we work

As a team we have ample and successful experience in supervising start-ups. We have played a key role in starting and scaling all of our collaborations. Our tenure as ATG Europe’s Co-CEOs brings a wealth of experience in organisation, strategy, business development, finance, talent management, and product development to the table. Furthermore, we have a very broad network that we unlock and use in our collaborations.


Orthos Ventures signs agreement with Secretary of State

Orthos Ventures sleept als eerste business angel seed regeling in de wacht. Het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (EZK) stelt dit jaar 10 miljoen euro beschikbaar voor private fondsen die geld willen investeren in startups en het innovatieve MKB. Deze zogenoemde business angels kunnen per fonds maximaal 1 miljoen euro lenen van de overheid.


EXCLUSIVE: VanderSat and Swiss Re Partner to Bring Crop Insurance to Untapped Markets

VanderSat came out of stealth with a satellite data analysis service for the agriculture sector in January after receiving €1.34 million ($1.6m) in grant funding from the European Commission late last year.


Vectioneer on Dutch Television

Television item about Vectioneer, an advanced robotics company founded by Philippe Piatkiwitz in which Orthos Ventures is proud to be a major shareholder. The documentary is about the unique, sophisticated robotics software, we call The Motorcortex.


ATG Europe selected for the design of the parachute deployment system for ExoMars 2020

ATG Europe, leading Space engineering company in the Netherlands, following a competitive bid, has been selected by Aerospace Propulsion Products BV as mechanical design partner for the critical Parachute Deployment Device in the ESA Exomars 2020 programme.